Exemplification Essay Topics

Writing this type of essay requires that you choose the most compelling topic from a number of possible options. The writing and research process will flow better if you are passionate about the topic. It’s like driving along a beautiful coastal highway in the summer, and then driving through an industrial desert at night. Which do you think is more enjoyable? The same applies to your topic for an essay on exemplification. It is important to take the time necessary to select one that appeals to you. You will be able to gain a distinct advantage. You will be able to look at the assignment in detail and find the most creative angle. The information in this article will empower you to select the best topic for an essay.

Definition Essay on Exemplification

Teachers love to assign exemplification essays because they are easy to write and intimidating. This essay can be stressful for students because it sounds so complicated. Don’t be fooled by the name. An exemplification paper is what you’d get if you combined an argumentative essay with an illustration essay. Does that make sense? What does an exemplification essay require? Some students believe that arguments are best supported by examples, which is a valid point. An exemplification essay explains that you must use examples to prove the truth or accuracy of each sub-point.

If you write about how marriage is outdated and why people should not get married, an example that might support your argument would be 53% of all marriages ending in divorce. It’s not enough just to throw data at an argument. It is important to show how and why the data supports your argument. This could be written as “The fact over half of all marriages end with divorce illustrates the need to revamp or eliminate traditional marriage.” This is especially true when you consider how many couples stay married for religious or family reasons. This makes it clear that marriage is an outdated institution. Data has been used in this instance to illustrate or demonstrate the truth of an argument or point.

The same applies to “how to talk to a teenage girl who is troubled”: Each paragraph must be dedicated specifically to a tactic, and each paragraph should include an example. You could, for example, dedicate a paragraph to the tactic that “exude warmth”, but you should not attempt to please nor get emotional. These examples could demonstrate how it is important not to be “buddy-up” with teenagers or act as if they are friends. Teenagers won’t appreciate you if that happens. Another example could show how it is important to avoid being rude and hostile towards teenagers. You are letting the teenager know that you are losing your control and that you are being controlled by them. This could be done by drawing an example from oneself to show the teenager. An example of this could be a time during one’s adolescence where an adult remained calm and unmoved, and when the message was delivered with greater effectiveness.

Exemplification Essay Topics

Your essay will be easier to write if your topic is interesting. Remember that an essay topic on exemplification will require you to explain why something is the way it is. It doesn’t matter if the topic of your essay explicitly states so. If you write a personal essay about the worst conversation that you have ever had, the body paragraphs will be used to show why it was so. You can also use examples from your own life to illustrate how the conversation affected you.

For example, if the topic of your essay is “Why Oprah winsfrey is a most positive role model” then you must provide at least three examples in your body paragraphs that support this assertion.
Oprah might talk about the hardships she faced as a child in poverty and abuse, or the triumphs over racism. Whatever topic you choose to write about, it’s up to the writer to explain or illustrate the whys with clear examples that strengthen your overall argument.

Issues in my life

– The most significant moment of your entire life.
– The worst time of your entire life.
– The greatest moment in your entire life.
– The most embarrassing moment in your life.
– How important it is to have a good friend.
– The benefits of owning a pet.
Your greatest failure can bring you the most benefits
– What is the most important thing that your parents have taught you?
– The most important moment in your life.
– A place that is very important to you.
– A frustrating experience that taught me a lot.
– A superpower you’d want to use in order to do good.
– A film which has greatly influenced your life.
– The day you’d like to live exactly the next day.
– The day of your life that you’d like to live again.
– This is the greatest lesson that a child can teach you.
– What would you do to make someone’s life better?
Words you will always remember
Times when running away is acceptable
– What it taught me and the biggest sadness that you’ve ever felt.
– This is the most special time you have ever shared with your family.
– Your invention idea.
– The past ten years you wish to live in.
Describe a part of society that you want to permanently change.
Describe one aspect of yourself that you wish to permanently change.
– An historical figure or celebrity with whom you wish to make a difference.
– The country in which you want to live and why.
– What was the reason you cried at movies?
– This is the greatest discovery made by humanity.
– The greatest invention of the human race.
– A painful experience you had that you will never forget.
– A beautiful thing you saw and will never forget.
– A trip that has influenced your growth.
– An important conversation that changed your view of the world.
– A reason you haven’t forgotten about and the reason you did.
– A talent you wish you had but aren’t.
– The greatest obstacle that you have faced.
The best decision ever.

Funny Topics

Celebrities should be running for office.
– Why it is important to assume that 80% are lying when politicians speak.
Social media images can be a powerful way to boost self-esteem.
– Why Instagram comments are important.
– How important is it to look attractive and hot on social networking?
Popularity is the main reason for life’s meaning.
– Why hardwork is under-rated and not important.
– Why teens could have a positive impact on society.
– It is important to let kids be bullied.
– Why it is important to study for exams but not overrated.
Comic books as tools for adulthood: How they can help kids.
How to influence people to do what your want.
High school should not be mandatory for students.
– Why being famous in your life is so important.
How violent videogames can help kids improve their social and communication skills.
Reality TV can teach us important lessons about life.
– Why you should keep all negative feelings to yourself and not let them out.
– The role of gossip in society
– The value of lying to society and general dishonesty.
– Interrupting polite conversations is a good idea.
After a breakup, you shouldn’t speak badly about your ex.
– Sugar-coating: The truth is more important than you think.
– This is why clowns can be so frightening.
– Discuss why your pet should become the mayor of the city.
Personal hygiene: Why it is so important.
– The therapeutic benefits of singing along to the radio.
Respecting elders: The Problems
– All the reasons why you should not vote in next election
Quentin Tarantino’s movie “The Meaning of Life” reveals the meaning of life.
– Proof of the existence of monsters
– The real reason mermaids exist.
Google has all the wisdom you need.
– Why being homeless is actually not so bad.
– The benefits of seeking advice from strangers
– It is important to insist on your rights and avoid compromise.
– The positive effects of living with polluted air.

Popular Subjects

– The Kardashians/Jenners’ Famous Reasons
– Why the Jenners/Kardashians are great business women.
– Why the Kardashians/Jenners are only doing damage to society
– Why KanyeWest is a genius.
– Why KanyeWest is an egotist.
– Why Elon is a genius.
– Why Elon Musk is an egomaniac.
– The biggest problems in the fashion industry.
– The dangers associated with pursuing a career in professional modeling.
– Why modeling and fashion should have a weight limit
– Female superheroes are the biggest problem in franchises today.
– Here are some reasons female characters on television and film are not represented.
– Why media images of body image are so harmful to young people.
– How do you combat body image problems as they exist in the media?
– An iconic person with whom you wouldn’t trade places.
– A celebrity with whom you would trade places.
– Famous people deserve privacy too.
– Celebrities have given up privacy rights.
– Why beautiful people are so idolized
Celebrities should not use make-up to achieve realistic goals.
– The 20th century’s most famous celebrity.
– The 21st century’s most influential celebrity.
– The most influential celebrity couple of the decade.
– The boringest celebrity couple of the decade.
– This is the saddest case involving a child celebrity.
– The best way for children celebrities to be safe.
– Why celebrities should live long.
Amy Winehouse’s possible solutions.
Dwayne J. Johnson is one inspiring celebrity.
– Why Coldplay has become obsolete
Coldplay is one among the most influential bands of the 20th century.
Conor McGregor’s confidence is a great source of information.
Ellen Degeneres’ likeability.
– The most successful Robert Downey Jr. career revival.
Bruno Mars, the pop star who is so short.
– Reasons Jay-Z has lost his moment.
– Why Jay-Z is still relevant.
Chris Hemsworth is a success story because of his looks.
Chris Hemsworth is a success story because of his attitude.
Taylor Swift is a wonderful role model to young girls.
J.K. Rowling’s success is a shining example of how to overcome failure
J.K. Rowling is a Nobel Prize winner for encouraging children to read again.
– Here are some reasons female entertainers make less than their male counterparts.
– Why franchise movies should be stopped

Ideas for Illustrations

Communication with angry teens: The best ways to communicate.
– The Best Ways to Redirect Teenagers’ Decision-making
Talk about raising a young man to respect women.
How to make friends in the first day at school
How to study for STEM-based exams.
How to prepare for an exam based on the humanities.
– Why student loans should be avoided.
Describe the long-lasting effects of college hazing and pranking.
Describe the advantages of living in college dorms.
Discuss the most important parts of a powerful personal statement.
– Give an explanation of the importance that you attend professor’s offices.
– Explain the benefits of having a resident advisor.
– Discuss the main benefits of joining fraternities/sororities.
– Discuss why you shouldn’t join a fraternity or sorority.
– Discuss how to create a healthy relationship that works for you both with your roommate.
– Explain how to best respond to covert or overt insults.
– How to avoid gossip.
– Please describe the best way to safeguard your reputation
– Share your ideas on how to make a career out of blogging.
Describe the best way to make a profit in the non profits sector.
Discuss how day-traders can make a successful career.
How to communicate with hostile bosses
How to respond to a coworker’s bullying behavior.
– Why fashion designers create strange looking outfits.
Describe the relationship between religion and people.
Describe the ways religion divides people.
Discuss the importance to believe in a “higher Power.”
Describe non-traditional methods that heavy smokers can quit.
– Share what you can learn about the future from looking back at our past.
Discuss ways to help the homeless.
– Explain what abstract art can teach you.
What can we learn from our entertainments about society?
Discuss the main benefits to keeping a diary.

In conclusion,
So, choosing the best topic from the many examples is no easy task. The ideal topic will inspire you as well as stimulate your mind and curiosity. Some students find that the best topic is one they already have a basic knowledge of. Some students are more familiar with a topic than others. A clear argument and examples are essential to a well-written essay. Every paragraph should leave the reader feeling “oh, yes, I see.” After reading your essay, the reader will feel more confident about understanding a particular topic, issue or task. The reader won’t be confused if the examples in your essay are clear.
We have thousands of examples essays to share with you and we are always available to help. We are always available to give feedback or pointers to help you improve your writing.
