Exemplification Essay | Examples & Writing Tips

What is an exemplification essay?

Essays communicate a message or a reason. Essays can fall into four different categories: informative/expository, argumentative, narrative, and descriptive. Sub-categories within each of these categories contain essays that have a specific purpose. The exemplification article is one type. Writing an exemplification essay is used for any type of writing that aims to explain and clarify, add interest, or persuade (Kirszner & Mandell 2015).

What is the difference between argumentative essays and exemplification essays?

Exemplification vs. Argumentative Essays

1. Essays on Exemplification – An essay using examples to support a subject is called an “exemplification essay”. Exemplification essays can be described as an argumentative essay. To give examples of something, exemplification is a way to simplify it. Exemplification essays use examples to support a generalization. Exemplification essays present opinions and judgments on a situation, character, action, or author’s statements.

2. Argumentative Essays: An argumentative essay requires students to research a topic, gather, evaluate, and analyze evidence, and then position themselves on the topic in an organized manner. It can also be used to refute other points.

Exemplification Essay Examples

Exemplification essays provide examples that support your points of view and help you think about a topic. Your argument is yours, not the other side.

You may be asked by your teacher to write about the career of an author or discuss how past events influenced them. Your thesis will support you in all cases by using examples. You may use evidence from multiple texts to support your thesis. Books and awards may be used to demonstrate an author’s distinguished writing career. To determine how the author influenced a given text, you may need to read the biography. It is also a good idea to highlight their perseverance and determination, as in the case J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series. Rowling endured many rejections and struggles as she raised her daughter and published Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in England in June 1997.

These are just a few examples of possible topics.
– Your views on current events, such as the COVID-19 Pandemic.
– Author’s use of literary elements
– A character’s actions or public figures
– The Impact of Fast Food on Society
– Who was the greatest historical figure to have had an impact on society?
Are men paid more to do the same job of a woman than men?

These topics are ideal for exemplification essays. You will need to express your opinion and provide examples or reference texts.

How to choose an exemplification essay topic

You want to choose a topic that is both broad and narrow when writing an essay. Let’s assume your teacher requests that you write an essay about COVID-19. If you choose COVID-19 as your topic, you’re likely to eat more than what you can chew. Each component of “Society” is important. However, if you limit the topic to COVID-19 and education’s impact, you can find the “just the right topic”. You will have plenty of evidence that you can convince your audience.

Tips for choosing the right topic

– Start by understanding the requirements of your assignment. You must be familiar with the topic and task.
– Create a list of categories, ideas, or themes that relate to your main topic.
– Make a list of all your opinions about each category.
– List all your questions about the topic. Short answers to these questions will help you understand your knowledge, your understanding, and your thoughts about it.
Take a look at your work and determine which topic and questions appeal to you the most.
Your thesis statement should be based on something you are familiar with. Your thesis statement should be your unique point of view, argument or response to the assignment requirements.
– Next, consider whether you have enough examples to support your thesis statement.
